
Age: 20
Nationality: Swedish

I chose to call myself DrAxoo many years ago, but since that doesn't have a really obvious pronounciation in swedish I'm mostly (always) called Axel. That's what my mother call me.
I got involved in the Vision of Speed project by begging Frongor and Pfeizer to let me do the translation.
Now that the job is mine I always seem to do it somewhat reluctantly, which is strange because it's really fun. The problem is, I think, that I always postpone the actual work for too long and then I suddenly get an IM from Pfeizer where he says "Well I don't want to stress you out or anything but I would really like that VoS page ten minutes ago" and then I usually wait half an hour before I actually do it :)
In addition to being unable to organize my own labour I'm 20 years old, a student at Fridhems Folk High School and an enthusiastic consumer of whatever japanese pop or high culture items I can get my hands on without paying too much money. So, mostly video games but also anime and manga. And Oe Kenzaburo-san of course. Oh, I forgot to mention. I live in Malmö some 240 km from where Frongor and Pfeizer live so we have this really cool and modern Internet collaboration thingy going on to make this work.
Although I think of my english skills as good I'm fully aware of them not being perfect, so if you see me make the same mistake over and over please mail me and all will be mended. Insofar Pfeizer feels up to editing all those pages again. :)